FV 180 CET & Giant Viper trailer set

FV 180 CET & Giant Viper trailer set

The Giant Viper was a length of hose filled with explosives which is fired across a minefield, then detonated which in turn detonates the mines and leaves a cleared path through it.

It was developed in the 50’s and was replaced in service by the Python system which is similar.

It was often towed by the Centurion AVRE, Engineers FV432 & the FV180 CET.

The CET was in service from 1978 and has recently been replaced by the Terrier Engineer vehicle.

It’s task was obstacle clearance, route maintenance and other engineering tasks.

It could float using floatation bags and also had a rocket fired earth anchor for self recovery.

The bucket could be adapted for other tasks such as a crane or fork lift.


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