15+ Club

We currently run a 15+ club (20mm)  this is simply a way of letting us know what new models you would like to see be made in either scale.

This is a list of vehicles that customers have expressed an interest in purchasing.

All you need to do is email me for the current list and if you would like to register your interest in any of the models, just let me know the likely quantity and the vehicles you would be interested in purchasing. This is also open to clubs who may want a certain vehicle for a game where you may need 15 or more in one go.

When we reach the magic 15  minimum number we then let you know and then we decide whether to master that particular vehicle, and possibly  mould it and sell you some.

This has enabled quite a few of the latest vehicles to be made, giving us a reasonable confidence in selling enough to make the model worthwhile.

You may only need one vehicle, but there may be others who only want one or two, that may be enough to get to the 15 minimum limit.

The following vehicles were all started this way:

MRAP’S, Chinese APC & tank, Stalwart, Abbott SP, ASU 85, Ect.

You can of course suggest a few vehicles yourself, as you never know just what others have already suggested, as we only list the ones that have had more than 3 suggestion.

Some of the current suggestions for the 20mm 15+ club are:

More MRAP’s like the Max pro, Caiman, Centurion ARV mk2, Israeli magach 6, Spanish vamtac 4×4.

If you would like a list of the current suggestions please just email us for the list: [email protected]

We also have a ‘Master Model’ list, this is a complete list of all of the currently out of production models we have ever made (going back 20+ years), some may still be available if the moulds are ok. The 15+ minimum also applies it he moulds are no longer usable, this is also available to you to pre order, just contact us asking for the master list.

We look forward to your suggestions.